What is Vuex Storage Plugin and why?

What is it?

Vuex Storage Plugin is a Vuex's plugin for persisting data from store into localStorage, sessionStorage and etc. It offers the conventional configuration in Vuex.Store's creation for rootState and static modules, but also offers configuration in dynamic modules.


When I needed to persist some data from my store into sessionStorage I didn't find a simple to use or learn plugin which fit in my app without lots of changes.

I needed a plugin which would persisted only a few attributes from my dynamic modules, and didn't find none of the kind or at least the documentation didn't help a lot.


npm install --save vuex-storage-plugin


// nuxt.config.js

plugins: [{ src: '~/plugins/vuex-storage-plugin.config.js', ssr: false }]
// ~/plugins/vuex-storage-plugin.config.js

import VuexStoragePlugin from 'vuex-storage-plugin';

export default ({store}) => {
  window.onNuxtReady(() => {


import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import VuexStoragePlugin from 'vuex-storage-plugin';


// rootState and static modules configuration
const vuexStoragePluginConfig = {
  prefix: 'vuex',
  storage: {},
  removeIfNull: true,
  populate: [],
  afterPopulate: () => {}

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  plugins: [new VuexStoragePlugin(vuexStoragePluginConfig)]


// dynamic modules configuration
store.registerModule('DynamicModule', {
  populate: [],
  afterPopulate: () => {}
Attribute Type Description
prefix String, default 'vuex' Prefix used in storage's key, example: "vuex/myAttr"
storage Storage API used to persist the app's state
removeIfNull Boolean, default true Indicates if the plugin should remove the item from the storage or persist null value
populate Array de String e/ou Object Indicates the modules, attributes and mutations which have to be persisted
afterPopulate Function Hook invoked right after the rootState or module's state have been loaded from storage into the store


Following the Web Storage API interface, as localStorage or sessionStorage.
The needed methods for the plugin is:

interface Storage {
  getItem(key: string): string
  setItem(key: string, value: string)
  removeItem(key: string)


In the case you want to create your custom storage or a wrapper for a lib as js-cookie you just need to implement the methods above, example:

import Cookies from 'js-cookie';

const CookiesWrapper = {
  setItem: Cookies.set,
  getItem: Cookies.get,
  removeItem: Cookies.remove


The populate attribute is where you indicate which attributes from your store/module have to be persisted into the storage and populated from the storage while the Vuex.Store's creation or a dynamic module registration

There are two ways to configure this attribute:

  1. Using Strings which represents the names of your attributes and mutations used to update it's values
  2. Using complex Objects

Using Strings

When using String it's perceived that the mutation's name which updates the attribute has the same as the attribute

Using static state:


import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import VuexStoragePlugin from 'vuex-storage-plugin';


const vuexStoragePluginConfig = {
  storage: localStorage,
  populate: ['attr']

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  plugins: [new VuexStoragePlugin(vuexStoragePluginConfig)],
  state() {
    return {
      attr: null
  mutations: {
    attr(state, value) {
      state.attr = value;


store.commit('attr', 'attrs new value');

Using dynamic module:



import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import VuexStoragePlugin from 'vuex-storage-plugin';


const vuexStoragePluginConfig = {
  storage: localStorage

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  plugins: [new VuexStoragePlugin(vuexStoragePluginConfig)]


// unnamespaced module
store.registerModule('UnnamedModule', {
  state() {
    return {
      attr: null
  mutations: {
    attr(state, value) {
      state.attr = value;
  populate: ['attr']

store.commit('attr', 'unnamed attrs new value');

// namespaced module
store.registerModule('NamedModule', {
  namespaced: true,
  state() {
    return {
      attr: null
  mutations: {
    attr(state, value) {
      state.attr = value;
  populate: ['attr']

store.commit('NamedModule/attr', 'named attrs new value');


String configuration only works for the rootState and dynamic modules.
For static modules is needed the module's name along with the attribute's and mutation's name

Using Objects

Using Objects you may use a different name to the attributes and mutations, you have to define the module's name you'r configuring and also you may define a default value for the attribute when the plugin doesn't find it's value in the storage.

Object's interface

interface PopulateItem {
  module: string,
  attr: string,
  mutation: string,
  default: any
Attribute Description
module Module configuration's name. Doesn't matter if it's namespaced or not, if it's not dynamic it has to be provided
attr Attribute's name you want to persist
mutation Mutation's name to be observed*
default Value given for the attribute if it doesn't exist in the storage, the default is null
storage A storage just like the global configuration in the case you want to use a different storage for specific states


The value persisted in the storage is the parameter passed into the mutation's funciton. If the value is "processed" inside the mutation, it's not visible to the plugin.


import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import VuexStoragePlugin from 'vuex-storage-plugin';


const vuexStoragePluginConfig = {
  populate: [{
    attr: 'attr',
    mutation: 'setAttr'

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  plugins: [new VuexStoragePlugin(vuexStoragePluginConfig)],
  state() {
    return {
      attr: null
  mutations: {
    setAttr(state, payload) {
      state.attr = `bacon is ${payload}`;

store.commit('setAttr', 'love');

The value persisted will be "love", not "bacon is love"


If you want to do some logic after receiving the data from the storage, the afterPopulate'is a hook invoked after the data from the storage has been populated into the store.

It has two signatures:

  1. For rootState, executed after the Vuex.Store's creation and dynamic unnamed modules, executed after it's registration
  2. Dynamic and named modules, executed after it's registration
function(rootStore); // static and unnamed modules
function(moduleStore, rootStore); // dynamic modules